Robbie Frazelle

Design Portfolio

Event Invitations

Event Invitations

Marketing from in the trenches is still an effective form of advertising. People like tangible things, and if you can put something in their hands that is both visually engaging and informative, you will succeed in your advertising goal.

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Internal Programs

Internal Programs

Internal programs are a great way to incentivize employees to become involved in an organization in ways such as generating original and engaging content, preparing for all-employee meetings, and participating in corporate events.

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Robbie Frazelle Photography


Capturing moments with photgraphs is one of my favorite artforms. I enjoy anything from studio photography to setting up tiny toys and shooting imagined macro scenes. I have been professionally trained during college and at various conferences.

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Print Ads

Print Ads

Visual advertising is a tremendously impactful means of communication. From magazine ads, to billboards, to direct mail pieces, catching people's attention within the first few seconds is the only way these mediums will be successful.

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Restaurant Menus

Restaurant Menus

Your menu should look as good as your food does, and should be easy to "digest" by your patrons. Clarity in offerings combined with good design work makes a serious impact on how your restaurant is viewed by the public.

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Trade Show Materials

Trade Show Materials

Your company's visual presentation at a trade show is the most important aspect of attending such events. It will either draw patrons to your booth, or make them walk away without giving you the chance to start a conversation.

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T-shirts are a fun and engaging way to interact with people you don't know. From a business perspective, if someone is willing to be a walking billboard for your brand you should enable them to do so.

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Album Art

Album Art

While CDs are a fading technology, the art that goes into album creation should be treated with the same respect that is given to the creation of the music itself.

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Concert Flyers

Concert Flyers

Concert flyers are some of my favorite design pieces to work on. You never know what will surface when given free reign on design.

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